Posture Mind & Movement Coaching - with Claire Coveney

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0777 373 8241


The Alexander Technique with Claire Coveney

  • Reduce pain and move with more ease and freedom.

  • Find better posture and poise.

  • Find calm, confidence and clarity.

Claire teaches The Alexander Technique, an amazing self-help tool to help with many everyday problems such as pain, stress, anxiety and poor posture through learning how the body and mind work together in a coordinated way.

Please get in touch to book a one to one lesson, workshop or discuss how The Technique can help you.

Clinical trial results published in the British Medical Journal show that Alexander Technique lessons provide long-term benefit for chronic and recurrent back pain sufferers. 

97% of people with back pain could benefit by learning the Alexander Technique – it is only a very small minority of back pain sufferers that require medical intervention such as surgery.
— Jack Stern, Spinal Neurosurgeon

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